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Mom Without Anna Faris? Not Great, Not Terrible


I know, I know. You might think that I’m fence-sitting with this MOM title, but I’m actually not. Just like plenty of you I was devastated to learn that Anna Faris is not going to return for season 8 of Mom. Anna’s character Christy was an important part of the acclaimed show, but right now… 4 episodes into the brand new 8th season… It’s really not that bad actually.

My biggest fear for losing an integral character was that the show would lose the balance, quality and dynamic that made it so great in the first place. I mean, the show is called Mom, because the two main characters (Bonnie and Christy) were moms and struggling addicts on top of that. We saw their struggles, their roads to sobriety and the many amends that they made. 

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However, I am first to admit, that Mom is not struggling as much as I thought it would be. I suppose Chuck Lorre really knows what he’s doing. I mean, it’s not the first time that happened to his shows. Just take a trip down memory lane to a place I like to call – Two and A Half Men. Charlie Sheen’s infamous departure did make the quality drop, but the show survived a couple of seasons after the break-up. I really hope that the same happens to Mom. And while I’m on that note… I really hope that it wasn’t the same case, as it was with Charlie some years back. I really hope Anna is OK though.

But let me tell you why I actually think Mom is not doomed. Oh, and why I think Anna’s departure won’t actually result in a failure for the show. At least I hope anyway. Because unlike Two And A Half Men, where every single character got worse as the years went by, over here in Mom is the quite opposite. Yes, it’s a female-driven show, but there’s progress among the characters. And that’s good progress, not characters going dumber and dumber by the second. I’m looking at you, Jake.

Over here, you see real struggles and not just addiction-related struggles. You see women who lose jobs struggle with employment, you see senior citizens and their problems. Loneliness, ill health and so much more. You see women who struggle with relationship issues, the death of loved ones and infertility. But more in a relatable and down to earth way. Let me give you an example. The filthy rich Jill character, still can’t conceive. Despite having all the money, resources and the best doctors in the world. Sometimes that happens and we need more of that reality in our sitcoms. 

Indeed, the official explanation for Christy’s departure is her scholarship to Northwestern, but while she’s gone, the team behind mom made several crucial decisions. Re-introduce some great characters (Andy for instance), and create some new ones. But while I’m at the re-introducing part I must applaud the decision to bring back French Stewart back into the team. And pairing him with Kristen Johnson’s character. For us the fans of 3rd rock from the sun, it’s God-sent. 

And of course the old-character needs more work. But the thing is this is the perfect opportunity to make them even greater. Even more memorable. Wendy is the perfect example of this. I would love to see more of Wendy in season 8. However, if there’s one thing I hate is compensating for the lack of well… everything else. Friends did it in the last 3-4 seasons. They would bring, a celebrity after a celebrity for a cameo role (or a 2-3 episode arch). Some of them were good, while some of them were bad just because they were forced. Yeah, i’m looking at you Brad Pitt.

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But yeah… Four episodes into season 8 and Anna’s absence is not that big of a deal. The dynamic is there, the humor still works, and the remaining characters are incredible. So, yeah. Not great, but not terrible. As always there’s room for improvement, but considering how bad this TV show could have been after Farris’s departure… I’m happy with it. How about you?


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