Phew! Loki Is Great! I Repeat… Loki Is Great!

All right now. First and foremost let me apologize for being MIA lately. Having numerous tests, blood works and soon operations really takes all the life out of you. I’m being dramatic. Sorry. It really takes the fun out of you. The joy and the thrill of what I used to love, and now I can’t bring myself to actually try and do. Like writing on my blog for instance. No. I’ve become a baby starved, a crazy woman filled with hormones, pills and the false hope of ever having a child. And as you can tell by now, I’m tired of it all, but I digress.
But among all of my daily baby-making chaos, I managed to watch the first episode of Loki yesterday, and I loved it. Finally Marvel! You delivered something good. Now, I’m fully aware that I’m basing this post on only one episode, and there are 5 more yet to come.
But after my utter disappointment from WandaVision and the half-baked product that was Falcon VS Winter Solider, Loki seems like a nice change. Seriously the hype was real and it paid off. I LOOOVED Loki and I’m here to tell you more about it.
First and foremost, how good is Tom Hiddleston in Loki? Stupid question I know. Listen, after a decade+ time spent playing the same character, some might get bored of it. But not my Tom. He’s got the same spark, enthusiasm, the same vigor as he did back in 2011. And let me just say, that this first episode was a roller coaster of emotions for Tom. He acted his ass off, and this is just episode number 1. Did you take a nice look at the aftermath of his interrogation scene? The scenes with the daring escape? They were emotional, tense and downright beautiful. You can clearly see the man’s talent there. Seriously, Tom showed anger, humor, contempt and so much more in that episode than he did in entire movies.
Oh and let me just say, the 50 minutes run-time flew by in like a second. I really didn’t notice the 50 minutes in the pilot episode. Everything went smoothly if I do say so myself. The chemistry between him and the other actors (especially Owen Wilson) was palpable and I just adore that.
But the thing is…. Tom is not the only good actor in this show. I never thought I’d admit it, but Owen Wilson did a phenomenal job as Mobius. He’s amazing, and yeah. He’s a nice pairing to Tom’s intense dedicated performance. Their banter was fun to watch too. Oh, and the supporting characters were not too shabby either. Gugu was incredible in the tiny teensy role, while Eugene Cordero was on point yet again. Let’s face it. If you love him in Tacoma FD you’ll love him in everything else.
But the surrealism in Loki is something to marvel really. The Sci-Fi aspects of the show blend beautifully with the retro-set design of the TVA. How cool is that? And that TVA cartoon introduction? Ah, just to die for. Especially when you think that Miss Minutes it’s voiced by the one and only Tara Strong. Yeah girl!
But yeah, I can go on and on to infinity about Loki and why it’s great. However, I don’t wanna get ahead of myself. There are 5 remaining episodes to go through, but I’d love to know your opinion as well.
What’s your take on Loki? Did you Like it? Let me know.