Do We Really Need More Sex And The City?
You’ve probably heard the news. Sex And The City is being rebooted in 10, thirty minutes long episodes. The reboot of the iconic 90’s TV show will air on HBO Max and it will ...
BH90210: Thank God Luke Perry Is Not Alive To Watch ...
I’m not sure if he would have accepted to be a part of the Beverly Hills 902010 reboot or not, but after watching the pilot episode of Fox’s re-imagining of the beloved 90’s teen classic, ...
Don’t Look Back Kevin Smith!
Jay And Silent Bob reboot is happening people!. That’s right. Kevin Smith confirmed that pre-production of the Jay And Silent Bob has already begun, and he’ll be a very busy man in the upcoming months. ...
Ocean’s 8 Film Review
Seventeen years after the release of the first film in Steven Soderbergh’s Ocean’s trilogy, Ocean’s 8 is now being introduced. This time with an all female cast cast, and a brand new director, Ocean’s 8 is ...
Tomb Raider Film Review
Well… Here it is folks. The long awaited and much anticipated Tomb Raider reboot. Now with Alicia Vikander in the role of Lara Croft, the latest film version of the acclaimed game is different to ...
I’m a little more worried about Lara than her boobs
Let me explain. And be honest upfront. This is an observation/rant based on my experience as a film fan of Lara Croft, not as a video game fan/player. I’ve never played the Tomb Raider game ...
Oh shut up! Charmed and Murphy Brown were already feminist ...
I’ve got a bone to pick with some of the studio executives, and I’m just warning you straight upfront… things are not going to be pretty in this post. You’ve probably heard the news. There is ...
In defense of Jolie’s Tomb Raider
The first teaser for 2018’s reboot of Tomb Raider is officially out. Another actress has embodied the role of the famed video game character Lara Croft, and a second Oscar winner of that. I’m of ...
A quick reminder of the best Jay and Silent Bob ...
Are you a fan of Kevin Smith’s creations Jay and Silent Bob? Well if you are… you’re in luck cause Smith is rebooting them into a movie. The Reboot will have the Jersey boys (Jay ...
Spider-Man: Homecoming review
Spider-Man: Homecoming is Marvel/Sony’s latest attempt to bring the good old franchise to a new generation of fans. Jon Watts’s movie is the third reboot in the past 15 years, with another actor in the ...