I Have A Huge Crush On Zachary Levi And I’m Not Ashamed To Admit It

Yeah. I’ve said it, and I wrote it. Look, I’m a 32 year old woman blissfully in love with a wonderful man, and I just found my crush. My film/TV crush but never the less.
And yes, all it took for me to watch Zachary Levi in the second season of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and boom. I was hooked. Which is odd, because Martin and I watched Chuck for so long and I got nothing out of him. But seeing him in those retro scrubs and those 50’s suits and damn… There goes my crush. Dr. Benjamin Ettenberg.
That is not to say that I didn’t have beef with the direction his character was headed, and how it was developed. I loved that he was ahead of his time, I loved the fact that he was looking for more than the cookie cutter wife of the era for his lifetime companion, and I love his odd weird side of character. He is the original nerd.
But his screen time was way too short for my taste, and his repartee with Midge could have been more edgy and creative, and less cheesy and corny. But I hope for the best in season 3 in this department, Oh, and another thing…
A couple of days ago, Martin showed me a video of him hugging, crying just adoring a little girl fan and it just melted my heart. Oh come on!. How adorable.
Oh and last but not least… He’s Shazam! I can’t tell you how excited I am for this movie. I wrote extensively about Shazam! when the trailer came out this summer and in my post I explained how this movie is the beacon of hope for the improvement of DC Extended universe. Levi is the perfect choice for the role of Shazam and I just know that the movie will be a different beast than we’re used to from DC.
What else… Oh… He can sing, he’s freakishly tall and gorgeous and amazing with his fans.
So, not can you understand why I have this huge crush on Zachary Levi? I know I’m late to the party (like i’ve mentioned before… i watched him on Chuck and got nothing), but damn… It’s good to be here.