Trailer of the day

The first teaser for Downsizing is short and weird but pretty awesome


Two time Academy winner Alexander Payne has a new project. Downsizing. A movie that already premiered yesterday at the 74th Venice Film festival, but sadly won’t come out in theaters until the end of the year.

Oh, well… for now, we’ll gonna have to get satisfied with the first teaser from this weird SF comedy that was released on the same day that the movie premiered in Venice. The teaser is 30 seconds long, and its weird and awesome as you might expect.

Matt Damon and Kristen Wiig take central stage in Downsizing as the married couple who decide to shrink themselves and move to a new downsized community.

Downsizing imagines what might happen if, as a solution to over-population, Norwegian scientists discover how to shrink humans to five inches tall and propose a 200-year global transition from big to small. People soon realize how much further money goes in a miniaturized world, and with the promise of a better life, every man Paul Safranek (Matt Damon) and wife Audrey (Kristen Wiig) decide to abandon their stressed lives in Omaha, and go small. Really small.

Alec Baldwin, Neil Patrick Harris, Jason Sudekis, Maribeth Monroe, Bruce Willis, Laura Dern, Don Lake and Christoph Waltz are also part of the cast and Alexander Payne co wrote Downsizing with his frequent collaborator Jim Taylor.

Downsizing opens on December 22, of this year and this is the first teaser. Oh and be patient for the full trailer that will be published on September 12th.



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