Tag: Woody Harrelson

Blast from the past

10 Awesome (And Useless) Facts About Zombieland

You’ve probably heard the news. A Zombieland sequel is headed to theaters in 2019 and the four lead actors cast is returning to the cast too. Additionally, Ruben Fleischer is back on board to direct ...
July 16, 2018
Blast from the past

Just before Solo: some of my favorite Woody Harrelson films

Ok… Who doesn’t love Woody Harrelson? The veteran actor will be starring in Solo-A Star Wars movie and in Venom this year, but I want to you to a trip down memory lane and remind ...
May 15, 2018
Film Review

War for the Planet of the Apes film review

It’s over. The rebooted trilogy that was started back in 2011 has had its end. War for the Planet of the Apes marked the end…. not just to A trilogy, but probably one of THE ...
July 17, 2017
What's new?

Meet the isolated and clumsy „bad ape“ in War for ...

War for the Planet of the Apes arrives in theaters next month, but up until then let’s take a moment a meet a new character that will occupy the screen. Self- referred as „bad ape“ ...
June 15, 2017