Tag: avengers endgame

Gif mood

Avengers Endgame Is A Big Thank You Note For Robert ...

Well, I saw Avengers Endgame today. It was great, as expected and you can expect my review shortly (after I publish the Hellboy review). But for now let my touch on one amazing takeaway from ...
April 28, 2019
What's new?

4 Great Movies You Shouldn’t Miss In April

The movie theaters in April will become a battle field between the two rivaling films studios. Marvel and DC Comics. Both of them will be waging a war for dominance, box office success and fan ...
April 2, 2019
Trailer of the day

SuperBowl Trailers: Avengers Endgame Was The ONLY Great One

Well the SuperBowl happened last night. And with the most anticipated sports event on the planet, came a long list of anticipated commercials and trailers. The SuperBowl commercials were one thing but the SuperBowl trailers ...
February 4, 2019
What's new?

2019 Marvel Movies: Which One Is Your Favorite?

Marvel movies. We all love them and we can’t wait to see more of them in 2019. There are 5 scheduled Marvel  movies in 2019, and I can’t wait for all of them to be ...
January 30, 2019
What's new?

Assembling The Avengers at The Oscars Could Work

The Academy is contemplating not having a host for the upcoming Oscar ceremony, and is apparently turning to Marvel for a bit of help. Or should i say… the Avengers. According to a new report ...
January 10, 2019
Trailer of the day

Avengers Endgame: Now That’s How You Make A Great Trailer

You’ve probably heard the news. Marvel released the official trailer for the upcoming Avengers Endgame movie, and after a long long time… It didn’t disappoint. Well, at least it didn’t disappoint me. My disappointment over ...
December 8, 2018