Blast from the past

All of Robert Redford and Jane Fonda’s movies together


Robert Redford and Jane Fonda don’t particularly need introduction. They are screen legend that have been strong presence in the film industry for more than 50 years.

She’s a Hollywood (and actual) royalty, while he’s probably one of the best actors, directors in history and since 1980 founder of Sundance Film Festival in Park City Utah. Between them Jane and Robert have 4 Oscars, 5 marriages, countless fantastic movies and a reputation for ageless screen legends.

This year the two legends will appear once more in a movie together, but this time in Our Souls at Night, the upcoming Netflix drama directed by Ritesh Batra. Redford is credited as one the producers of the movie and it will have its world premiere at the Venice Film Festival on September 1, 2017.

Our Souls at Night is scheduled to be released on September 29, 2017, by Netflix and it also stars Matthias Schoenaerts, Judy Greer and Bruce Dern. Our Souls at Night will mark Jane and Robert’s first appearance together in a movie after a 38 year old break, and their fifth overall.

They first appeared in 1960’s Tall Story (where Redford had an uncredited role) but their most notable collaborations were in the hit films like Barefoot in the park (1967) and The Electric Horseman (1979).

Tall Story (1960)
Fun fact about it: Film debut for both Jane Fonda and Robert Redford.

The Chase (1966)
Fun fact about it: Jane Fonda and Robert Redford enjoyed working with each other. They had a lot in common and Redford’s humor helped Fonda relax on set.

Barefoot in the Park (1967)
Fun fact about it: Robert Redford starred in both the Broadway play and this film version. His leading lady on Broadway was Elizabeth Ashley.

The Electric Horseman (1979)
Fun fact about it: One of seven pictures director Sydney Pollack and actor Robert Redford both collaborated on.

Our Souls at Night (2017)
Fun fact about it: Robert Redford and Bruce Dern had previously co-starred in The Great Gatsby (1974).


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