Tag: Mission: Impossible Fallout

Film Review

Mission Impossible Fallout Film Review

Tom Cruise has made the character of Ethan Hunt his bitch in these past 22 years. He’s perfected it with each installment and coupled with great supporting cast, amazing director and brilliant stunt scenes (which ...
August 2, 2018
What's new?

Henry Cavil And The Lack Of Education About Consent

You know this man i presume. Yes, i’m talking about Henry Cavil. The current Superman. He’s probably one of the most talented and beautiful actors of his generation, and currently stars in the latest Mission ...
July 13, 2018
What's new?

Simon Pegg Is Right: Depression And Alcoholism Are BFF’s

When you look at Simon Pegg, you don’t instantly think about a man that could be suffering from depression. He’s one of the most talented and respected actors in the world. He’s happily married, he’s ...
July 12, 2018