Tag: Ben Mendelsohn

Film Review

Captain Marvel Review

The road to the silver screen for Marvel’s first solo movie with a female lead character wasn’t an easy one to walk by any means. But Captain Marvel finally arrived in the movie theaters at ...
March 20, 2019
What's new?

Things To Talk About Captain Marvel (Instead Of Brie Larson)

So, I saw Captain Marvel yesterday. It was not the best Marvel movie, but for a more detailed review of the film, you’ll just have to wait a couple of days. My Captain Marvel review ...
March 12, 2019
Blast from the past

Ben Mendelsohn: The Actor That Steals Movies

If you’ve loved and admired Ben Mendelsohn as much as I have in the past 20 years or so, than you’ll definitely enjoy this post. At the start of next month, Ben Mendelsohn will present ...
February 21, 2019