Barely Anyone Knows My Favorite Sean Connery Movie (And I ...
It almost feels like it’s all mine. A movie just for me. Without the obligation to share it. And to be honest, I love that not that many people have heard about my favorite Sean ...
7 Awesome Movies To Watch In October
Well, with September behind us and October upon us, it’s time to brace ourselves for another batch of great movies to watch. And to tell you the truth October will not disappoint. October is also ...
Don’t Quit Your Day Job People!
You’ve probably heard about this ongoing trend. Celebrities opening their own YouTube channels and creating their content. Now, in terms of the celebrity status, these individuals range from Academy Award winners like Angelina Jolie, movie ...
In defense of Jolie’s Tomb Raider
The first teaser for 2018’s reboot of Tomb Raider is officially out. Another actress has embodied the role of the famed video game character Lara Croft, and a second Oscar winner of that. I’m of ...
Let’s celebrate Angelina Jolie’s birthday with one of her best ...
Angelina Jolie is a lot of things. Actress, mother, daughter, celebrity, activist, Academy Award winner, director, philanthropist and today a birthday girl. The acclaimed Hollywood actress today celebrates her 42 second birthday, and in that ...