The Golden Globe Ambassador Has To Go Away

OK. You’ve probably heard about Miss/Mr Golden Globe. Or Golden Globe Ambassador as it’s recently called. The seemingly exciting worlds that make a fictitious title that somehow doesn’t mean all that much now. And that’s why it should go away.
And you’ve also probably heard the news too. Isan Elba, the daughter of the famed English actor Idris Elba was chosen by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association’s president to be the 2019 Golden Globe Ambassador.
She’s yet to present an award or a segment at the Golden Globe ceremony come January, and that’ about it. Oh and to look pretty, but everyone at the Golden globes looks pretty, am I right?
Since 1971, this position has been held by a celebrity’s daughter, or occasionally a son, or both and it’s a fiercely competitive job I hear. The celebrity parents have vigorously competed for their child to take the role, and one of the requirements for the offspring to be named Golden Globe Ambassador is to be active on social media. Really?
Talk about a loose criteria. You’ll have to have a celebrity parent(s) and to have an Instagram following? Wow… Look, I know that some of the former Golden Globe Ambassadors (Laura Dern, Melanie Griffith, Freddie Prince Jr and Dakota Johnson) will go on to have careers but most of those celebrity offspring are just there just for having celebrity parents.
They’re basically entitled rich kids that happen to have rich famous parents and that’s it. Most of them are unknown to the general public, and definitely most of them won’t have the career that their parents have.
I highly doubt that Jack Nicholson’s daughter Lorraine is talented enough to have the career that her triple Oscar winning father had. And speaking of… Those kids are pampered and spoiled to the point that they don’t need the extra attention and sucking up from the public. The nepotism will always work in their favor, just ask any of Will Smith’s kids.
But it wasn’t always this way. From the inception of this honor and right until 1971, this award (let’s call it that way) was given to the newcomer. The up and coming actress/actor that showed most potential and talent. Linda Evans won such award in 1964 and Cheryl Miller 2 years later. But back then it meant something else. Back then those girls (Miss Golden Globe Girls) didn’t had celebrity parents. All they had were the talent, youth and some very pushy agents. You know… The basic Hollywood stuff.
But seriously. The Golden Globe Ambassador has to go away. For good. I’m aware that some of the celebrity kids have to do some charity work now, but for the most part all they have to do is show up to the red carpet and tweet about the whole glitz and glamour afterwards.
It’s a knock hard life, but somebody’s gotta do it right?