Avengers Endgame Is A Big Thank You Note For Robert ...
Well, I saw Avengers Endgame today. It was great, as expected and you can expect my review shortly (after I publish the Hellboy review). But for now let my touch on one amazing takeaway from ...
Avengers Infinity War Film Review
Ever since 2012’s Avengers (the amazing Joss Whedon directed master piece), the team has just gown and grown in size and number. There were numerous additions, numerous obstacles and villains, but by now… in 2018 ...
I present… Robert Downey JR’s most underrated movie
And best movie I might add. But let’s start from the beginning. You’ve probably heard of this man, I presume. Robert Downey JR. He was Charlie Chaplin, Dito Montiel, Sherlock Holmes and of course Tony ...