Taika Waititi: The Go-To Guy For Everything!
You’ve probably heard the news. The newly minted Academy Award winner, Taika Waititi will be directing and co-writing a new Star Wars movie. That’s right the Kiwi director will be dipping his toes in the ...
MCU Phase 4: Love Me Some More Diversity
And if you don’t like it… Tough. But seriously. You’ve probably heard the news. Marvel unveiled the upcoming Phase 4, at this year’s Comic-Con. A 2-year plan of production in motion pictures and TV projects ...
The very best from Taika
If you haven’t heard of Taika Waititi by now, trust me… in a couple of weeks you will. He’s the acclaimed writer/actor/director of the upcoming Marvel movie, Thor Ragnarok and he’s already getting the much ...
Taika Waititi’s Instagram is pure gold
Let me introduce Taika Waititi. For those of you unfamiliar with Mr. Waititi he’s probably one of the most brilliant screenwriters/directors currently working out there. And he’s a bad ass human over all. Oh, he ...