Tag: november

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10 Awesome Movies You Shouldn’t Miss In November

It’s here. November, I mean. And with a new month comes a new awesome movies that are waiting to be released. There are a lot of biopics in the line-up (hey the awards season has ...
November 1, 2018
What's new?

Brand new TV shows you should binge on in November

Al right TV freaks! Listen up. Now. I know that I already talked about the awesome movies that you should definitely NOT miss this month, but let’s talk about the TV shows for a second. ...
November 3, 2017
What's new?

Awesome movies you can’t miss in November

You’ve guessed it. November is going to be one hell of a month. Both Marvel and DC Comics will present their latest work, and November is also the month in which the race in the ...
November 1, 2017