Sorry Marvel: Captain Marvel’s Trailers Remain Underwhelming
You’ve probably seen it. The first official trailer for Marvel’s upcoming blockbuster Captain Marvel was released today and frankly… I have to say that things have not improved for the better since the first teaser. ...
Brie Looks Great In Captain Marvel But I’m Here For ...
You’ve probably seen the photos. Yes, the Academy Award winner, Brie Larson announced on Twitter yesterday that the fist look photos about Captain Marvel will be published with the help of EW. And boy, she ...
Are the third Bill&Ted/Sherlock Holmes films necessary?
Yup. You’ve red this right! Third installment of the Sherlock Holmes and Bill&Ted film franchises were announced today. Hollywood reporter confirmed today that a third movie, called Bill & Ted Face the Music, is officially ...
The very best (and very selected) works of Jude Law
You’ve probably heard the news. Jude Law is in early stage of negotiations to be part of Captain Marvel. Yes, is everything goes well, and he accepts the role in the upcoming movie, Law will ...