Tag: captain america

Trailer of the day

SuperBowl Trailers: Avengers Endgame Was The ONLY Great One

Well the SuperBowl happened last night. And with the most anticipated sports event on the planet, came a long list of anticipated commercials and trailers. The SuperBowl commercials were one thing but the SuperBowl trailers ...
February 4, 2019
Gif mood

Thanks For The Movies Chris!

Well, you’ve probably heard the news. Chris Evans whapped the filming of Avengers 4, and with a brief but poignant Twitter message to his fans said goodbye to the character of Captain America. Months prior, ...
October 5, 2018
Film Review

Avengers Infinity War Film Review

Ever since 2012’s Avengers (the amazing Joss Whedon directed master piece), the team has just gown and grown in size and number. There were numerous additions, numerous obstacles and villains, but by now… in 2018 ...
May 5, 2018
What's new?

6 of my favorite Marvel movies (in no particular order)

All right now. I’m still in Infinity War mood and obsessed with all things Marvel, so I’m gonna be writing a bit more about MCU, if you don’t mind. I finally had the chance to ...
April 30, 2018