Tag: avengers

Gif mood

For The Record… The Bad Sequels/Reboots Are Flopping This Summer

It’s basic science actually. Good movies are always going to find an audience and eventually succeed at the box office. You’ve probably noticed it. There’s been an influx of blockbuster flops and they’re quite frankly ...
June 19, 2019
What's new?

Assembling The Avengers at The Oscars Could Work

The Academy is contemplating not having a host for the upcoming Oscar ceremony, and is apparently turning to Marvel for a bit of help. Or should i say… the Avengers. According to a new report ...
January 10, 2019
Gif mood

Thanks For The Movies Chris!

Well, you’ve probably heard the news. Chris Evans whapped the filming of Avengers 4, and with a brief but poignant Twitter message to his fans said goodbye to the character of Captain America. Months prior, ...
October 5, 2018
Film Review

Avengers Infinity War Film Review

Ever since 2012’s Avengers (the amazing Joss Whedon directed master piece), the team has just gown and grown in size and number. There were numerous additions, numerous obstacles and villains, but by now… in 2018 ...
May 5, 2018
What's new?

I have spoiler regret for the first time ever (and ...

I’m not a big spoiler girl. Especially film spoilers. Book, TV spoilers never affected my perception, likability or even general opinion (before), but for the first time ever… this past week…. Ive had a huge ...
April 28, 2018