Tag: amy adams

What's new?

Amy And Christian: A Duo Bursting With Talent

Christian Bale and Amy Adams. Two incredible actors that just happen to mesh light up the screen whenever they’re acting together. Both of them received an Academy Award nomination this week, and I’d like to ...
January 25, 2019
Trailer of the day

And The Oscar Goes To… Christian Bale

You’ve probably seen the first official Trailer for Vice. The Adam McKay’s latest directorial effort that has Christian Bale, Amy Adams and Sam Rockwell in the leads? Yeah, that’s the one. Vice, the biographical comedy-drama ...
October 3, 2018
Blast from the past

Before Sharp Objects There Was Julie & Julia

If you’re a huge fan of HBO’s Sharp Objects (like i am) than you’re probably fan of the actors in the amazing TV series. Sophia Lillis, Patricia Clarkson and of course the two lead actors. Amy ...
July 25, 2018
What's new?

Sharp Objects Has One Of The Best Portrayal Of Alcoholism ...

You’ve probably heard of Sharp Objects. The latest mini-series that premiered last week on HBO. Directed by Jean-Marc Vallée and starring Amy Adams, Sharp Objects is a psychological thriller/misery series about the return of the ...
July 14, 2018
Gif mood

Amy Adams Is Relatable AF

You might have not used that same adjective to describe Amy Adams right? And you’d be wrong. Some might call her acting mousy, some might call her shy and always on the verge of tears ...
July 8, 2018