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Oscars 2019: Roma And The Favourite Are The Real Winners (Not Black Panther)


Well, the 2019 Oscar nominations were announced today.

And frankly is was a little bit annoyed that Black Panther stole the show at today’s Oscar nominations. Yes, the Marvel super-hero movie grabbed 7 Oscar nominations total, but I think the real heroes of the day were Alfonso Cuaron’s Roma and Yorgos Lanthimos’ The Favourite.

Why? Let me tell you why. Look, I get that superheroes are often overlooked at the Oscars, and the Black Panther nomination in the best movie category means a lot. I get all that. But, let me remind you that Black Panther is a Marvel movie.

A film studio that gave around 210 million dollars form it’s budget in order to get this movie made. Add to that around 50 million more in PR and marketing and you’ve got yourself a movie that is worth as much as the rest of the Oscar nominated movies combined.

So, yeah. I agree that this movie was great, but compared to Roma and The Favourite, Black Panther had smooth sailing in terms of production. The Favourite for instance was written in 1998, and it took almost 20 years to be made. The crew of Roma was target of robbery and both movies had a very modest budget of 15 million dollars each.

Oh and let’s not forget that Netflix ended up distributing Roma. Yeah. A movie that’s nominated for an Oscar was distributed by Netflix.

I’m also very happy that Alfonso and Yorgos grabbed Oscar nominations in the best director category (and not Bradley Cooper) and I’m also happy that Roma’s two rising stars Yalitza Aparicio and Marina de Tavira were awarded in the acting categories.

So, don’t feel sorry for Bradley and don’t be too shocked about Black Panther’s best picture nomination. Cooper didn’t deserved it, and Black Panther had money to burn to deserve it.

Be happy that the small budget productions like Roma and The Favourite got the most Oscar nominations. I am.


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