One Oscar for Logan please!

Well you’ve probably heard the news. You may have seen the Academy Awards nominations. If so… You probably noticed the Best adapted screenplay category and one particularly brilliant movie there. Logan.
Yes. Scott Frank, James Mangold and Michael Green all received Academy Award nominations for best adapted screenplay, and I truly hope they win come March. There is some pretty heavy weight competition in this category (the main threat comes from Aaron Sorkin and James Ivory) but I really hope Logan wins.
Why you might ask? Well, because they wrote one of the most brilliant super-hero movies that feels nothing like a super hero movie. Logan embraces other genres in the tone and style of the story, and you can almost categorize it as a modern day western/road movie.
In an era when we are bombarded with super-hero blockbuster movies, and saturated with terrible CGI action scenes Logan is refreshment we’ve been waiting for. It’s R-Rated that’s true, it’s also very violent, bloody movie but when you strip away the gore and the blood, what you’ll be left is a movie about friendship and family.
A movie that focuses on character development above all, and a movie that is not afraid to show the main hero in an anti-hero frame of mind. Logan is broken, he’s falling apart, he’s tired of everything and on top of that he’s looking after the frail and wheelchair-bound Charles (Patrick Stewart). He openly mocks the X- Men, mutants and other comic book characters and considers them an idealistic relics of a time gone by.
Logan is also what a modern day super-hero movie should look like. A minimalist spectacle that prefers substance over style and a movie that had the best send off/tear jerking moments about two of the most beloved characters. EVER! It’s not only a beautiful swan song from the screenwriters to probably one of the best characters in film history, but a emotional farewell with a character that has been with us (the fans) for 17 years.
That’s why I think Logan should win on March 4th. Good luck Logan!