Let’s talk about…. favorite May 4th memory… shall we?

All right Star Wars fans…. Let’s talk about May the 4th. The official Star Wars day is upon us, and I believe every single one of us has a favorite May 4th memory. I know I do…
It’s one of my impromptu, yet wonderful memories I have of this day, and of this franchise, to be honest. And although it doesn’t hold the bar of me seeing Star Wars- New Hope for the first time ever, (not on May 4th but still in May) it’s still in the top 3 Star Wars related events.
The date is May 4th 2015. Empire Strikes Back’s anniversary release date. An indie movie theater held a Star Wars marathon for 3 consecutive days (3rd, 4th, and 5th of May) for each and every single one of the movies in the original movie trilogy.
A colleague of mine ( film director and film buff like myself) suggested that we play hooky from work and go out to see one of them. Now… Bear in mind that
I’m a hard core goody two-shoes kind of a gal. I haven’t skipped a day of work before that and since for that matter (and especially for a movie related escapism), but we knew it was too good to miss of an opportunity. So, out of the 3 days, we picked May the 4th and instead of going to an event (I think it was a press conference) we went to the movie theater to see Star Wars- Empire Strikes Back. The conference was scheduled at noon, and so was the film screening.
Perfect timing right?
I cannot tell you enough about the exhilaration and excitement I felt for those 124 minutes. Not only I saw Empire Strikes Back in a special May the 4th event, I saw it during a hooky. Seriously, I think it was the adrenaline rush of doing something we definitely shouldn’t, or the fear of getting caught, but my head was buzzing and my heart was pounding the whole time.
The fantastic thing about this whole endeavor was the fact that we didn’t get caught (oh yeah), or reprimanded for doing that. Nobody but us knew about it, and white frankly it’s one of my favorite Star Wars memories to date. Oh.. and this.. from Last year… When my boyfriend took this random photo on May the 4th. I bought this shirt especially for the Force Awakens premiere, and I still wear it today.
So…. May the 4th be with you!