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Filmsane date night movie picks


Another weekend and another date night movie picks.

Got a dinner and a movie date but you can’t think of any films to watch with your partner? Well, don’t you worry… I’ve got you covered. Regardless if you’re headed to the nearest cinema, or you’re staying in and opting for oldie (but goldie) film for your more intimate date, here are some of my awesome picks for you.

Now, this time instead of going to conventional closed cinema (or staying in for that matter), I have a great suggestion for you. How about heading out to City Park in Skopje (if you’re located in Skopje). The City Park along with Sava insurance company are setting up a summer outdoor cinema (every Saturday at 9 PM), and the first movie to be played I Still Alice.


A linguistics professor and her family find their bonds tested when she is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. Julianne Moore won her first Academy Award for the portrayal of Alice Howland and in the movie she is joined by a stellar cast such as Alec Baldwin, Kate Bosworth, Kristen Stewart. Still Alice is one touching and gentle film filled with talented cast.

But if you’d love to go a traditional cinema screening (enclosed cinema)….

Baywatch is still playing in every cinema around the world, and while the consensus for the movie as a whole is not great, I myself watched it mostly due to childhood nostalgia.

Dwayne Johnson embodies the role of Devoted lifeguard Mitch Buchannon in the film version of the cult TV series. The action star now fills the shoes (or swimming shorts) of David Hasselhoff and in the famous role butts heads with a brash new recruit, as they uncover a criminal plot that threatens the future of the bay. Zac Efron, Priyanka Chopra, Alexandra Daddario make the rest of the cast, an the film review for Baywatch will be on Filmsane next week.


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