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Dance Deadpool dance!


All right now! I’d like to personally thank each and every single man (and woman) in the Deadpool’s marketing team.

You’re doing wonders! Seriously… Keep up the good work! Now, you’ve probably seen the promo trailers, posters and everything in between for the upcoming Deadpool 2, but you’ve never seen anything quite like this.

Celine Dion and Deadpool all in one place. The Canadian singer headlines the Deadpool 2 soundtrack with the new single Ashes, and the video for the song is quite something.

The song is a sappy ballad in Celine Dion’s fashion, and not to my taste, but the video is freaking hilarious. You have Deadpool (in high heals) dancing to that sappy ballad like freaking Isidora Duncan…. aaaand now I’m going to stop writing about it. You need to see this for yourself.

Directed by David Leitch with Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin, Zazie Beetz in the cast, Deadpool 2 opens on May 18 th.

Check out Ashes!


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