Avengers Infinity War photo shows that even super-heroes need to eat

Film buffs and general fans will be able to catch Robert Downey JR in the next month’s Spiderman – Homecoming (in the role of Tony Stark of course), but yesterday the actor shared a photo of his interesting lunch on the set of the much anticipated Avengers Infinity War.

Image via Marvel studios
The production of Avengers Infinity War is underway, but the photo that Tony Stark shared on Twitter showed that even the Marvel super-heroes need to grab a lunch on their lunch break.
‘Forks, tongs, cans + bottles + a Wong… Help us #healthenet #afeastoffriends #AvengersInfinityWar #beardbros #sciencebros #benedictsquared, wrote the actor about the Twitter photo of him, Mark Ruffalo, Benedict Cumberbatch and Benedict Wong eating lunch in their costumes.

Image via Robert Downey JR Twitter profile
The photo also showed his character Tony Stark with his reactor still removed from his chest (since the end of Iron Man 3), but now with a circular whole in his black T-Shirt.
Ruffalo posted the same shot on his Instagram page, writing, ‘Doing normal things with my not so normal Avengers brothers! This is not a La Croix ad, and also shared a selfie with Downey JR on the national „selfie day“. The Russo brothers directed movie will be filming through throughout the entire summer, so there is a lot of work ahead for the actors.

Image via Mark Ruffalo Instagram profile
Some of the fans, even made quick comparisons with the similar ensemble photo of 2012’s Avengers, but most of the comments were directed at the fact that there are „two Sherlocks“ in that photo. Robert Downey JR and Benedict Cumberbatch both portrayed Sherlock Holmes in 2 different projects (on film and on TV).

Image via Mark Ruffalo Instagram profile
Avengers Infinity War is set to premiere in May 2018 and will see the Avengers team up with the Guardians of the Galaxy to defeat Guardians of the Galaxy villain, Thanos. Cast members from these two films are slated to return, along with casts from Spider-Man: Homecoming, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, and Captain America: Civil War.
Spider-Man: Homecoming is hitting theaters July 7, and Avengers Infinity War arrives on May 4, 2018.