An Introvert In Time Of Coronavirus Isolation: It’s Not That Bad

Life in times of a pandemic
Well, folks like most of you out there; I’ve been practicing social isolation due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. And I must say… It’s been so far so good. Can’t really complain.
My life hasn’t changed all that much in the past 3-4 weeks since I’ve been in isolation. Sure, I miss going out to the movies and I definitely miss the gym, but nothing drastic shifted my routine. I worked from home before the Coronavirus pandemic, so I there’s that. And I wasn’t that much of a party animal to say that I miss my old life. You know… Before the Coronavirus outbreak. Although I do miss the occasional socializing with my friends (the coffee dates with Daisy, and the cooking with Maya) I don’t see any major shake-ups. My life is almost identical as it was before.
In fact when I come to think of it… I’m actually saving money by not going out to eat or drink. And when it comes to the movies, I can always catch up with the latest movies on the streaming services like Netflix and Hullu. Oh, and there’s a little device called Kodi, which basically has all the TV channels in the world all in one place. Check it out!
I’m not missing out on anything, because i don’t miss anything from my previous lifestyle. Yes, I’d be the first to admit that I was looking forward in spending the spring in the local parks, lakes and resorts with my hubby and dog….But with my seasonal pollen allergies, on top of my restrictions. Yeah.. I think it’s best to stay inside.
It’s really not that bad… Trust me
So, I guess… What I’m saying is… being an introvert it’s not a liability in times like this. You know… In the middle of enforced social isolation. Unlike say… My sister, on the other hand who hates it. But me? I’m not really missing out on anything grand or special. I never had the party lifestyle, and I never had that huge circle of friends to begin with.
Yeah. My circle of friends reduced as I got older, but what I now lack in quantity, I well make up in quality. And who’s to say that I don’t have fun? I have a great job, fantastic husband, amazing friends that i talk to almost every day, English cocker spaniel named Loki and family that I adore. I guess, when you weigh in the stuff that really matter, going out was never really my priority. Which is why I think I’m handling this isolation way better than most.
Let’s face it. We introverts have been finding new and innovative ways to entertain ourselves for centuries now. And our entertainment and lack of social interaction have never been dependent on other people. Which is why I think that we’re handling this isolation with dignity and grace. There are endless lists of movies and TV shows to watch, comic books to read, online tours to visit, courses to learn, recipes to try, music to listen and games to play.
Don’t ever underestimate the power of an introvert. We probably have the key survival tips for you. How not to go crazy during a pandemic. Remember! This too shall pass, but you need to stay calm and collected.
So, go on! Enjoy your time spent at home. Give yourself that bubble bath that you’ve been planning since forever. Make that pasta recipe and yes! Read that book. Now is the best time for that.