Amy And Christian: A Duo Bursting With Talent

Christian Bale and Amy Adams. Two incredible actors that just happen to mesh light up the screen whenever they’re acting together. Both of them received an Academy Award nomination this week, and I’d like to say a word or 500 about these fine actors.
Frist thing’s first, Amy received her 6th Oscar nomination this week (for Best Supporting actress) and Christian received his 4th overall nomination. But unlike Amy, the Welsh actors has an Oscar gold statue under his belt, while Amy is yet to be awarded with one.
However, if you go to each of the actor’s IMDB page you’ll notice 2 things.
- Vice is their third mutual film collaboration in almost a decade.
- Each of the previous 2 collaborations (The Fighter and American Hustle) resulted in Academy Award nominations as well. For both of them.
The Fighter and American Hustle were directed by David O. Russel, while Adam McKay is the director behind Vice.
Two of those 3 mutual collaborations were biographical movies about real life people, while American Hustle was a black comedy crime film inspired by the FBI Abscam operation of the late 1970s and early 1980s.
But why do they work well together? Well, first we can’t forget that both Christian and Amy possess an incredible amount of talent and versatility to portray any role. Christian challenges his physical appearance more, but they’re both committed 100% in their roles.
Secondly, after almost a decade spent working with each other, they know each other to the T. Seriously. They are familiar with the opposite’s person character, prepping process and research for the role, and I assume things run smoothly on set too.
I can imagine them together just being awesome and brilliant even when they’re playing Dick and Lynne Chaney. But I would love to see them both get awarded with an Oscar net month. This will be Christian’s second (and first for a leading role) and It will be Amy’s first Oscar ever.
Will they do it? Time will tell, but there’s no denying that they’re amazing together. Seriously. You can put them in the most awful and confusing movie and they’ll be the best thing about it.
They mesh.