10 Year Challenge: Older And Hopefully Wiser

Ah, the 10 year challenge. Why are you torturing me? The influx of meme photos about the 10 Year Challenge, have forced me to pause for a second and reflect on the past 10 years. No, I’m not going to show you photos of myself from 10 years ago, but I’m going to reflect on my life choices, decisions and challenges I had to endure in these past 10 years.
Why? Because every god damn person on this planet looks hotter, slimmer and younger in the before photo. No, I’m not interested in those kind of vain displays of superficial crap, so you won’t be seeing me in one of those 10 Years Challenge memes (sorry not sorry). Not here on Filmsane and not anywhere else, so the official photo of me that i put on the Filmsane’s front page will have to do. But to verbalize the 10 year challenge and to put it in writing….
That… is in my opinion a much harder task.
But how have I got better, wiser and how I put my life in order in those past 10 years?
Well, somehow I managed to leave journalism (for the most part) in these past years and focus on other business endeavors. I became an expert in market research and lead generation, founded my own blog (that’s the teeny tiny part that’s even remotely related to anything journalistic), and now I’m training to be a digital marketer. That’s quite an impressive resume in such small period of my life… Wouldn’t you agree?
In the past 10 years, I lost some dear friends (they’re not dead, just we lost contact) but I also gained some new ones too. I found the love of my life in the past 10 years and I moved in with him. I’m really pleased with that one, because I honestly though it was my destiny to spend the rest of my life as a single person. Now, not only that I have a wonderful, caring person that cares for me, I can reciprocate that love and affection to him.
But, the 2 major decisions that I managed to make in these past 10 years, were the decision to leave my toxic job that I hated, and the decision to quit the booze. I was in a dangerous relationship with alcohol for the better part of my 20’s and that period of my life is not an easy part to look back at. I was a different person back then, and I’m sad to say that I didn’t liked the person I was in those dark days. However, with an enormous will power and support from my family, I did it.
Not to brag but, I managed to get really picky and snobbish about the movies and TV shows that i actually watch in the past 10 years , and that somehow made me more open-minded and welcoming of other genres, that i wouldn’t have picked before. I wouldn’t even have dared to watch Vicious before, but i did and i loved it.
In the past 10 years, I also managed to improve my relationship with my dad, and I couldn’t be happier about it. Now, that I’m older and actually out of my parent’s house, I understand him better, and I found the strength to forgive him about some of the things that he said and did in the past.
The 10 years challenge has been a good reflection for me. It showed me how far I’ve gone and how much I still have to go to the place I feel most at ease. The 10 year challenge has been good to me, but I’m still a working progress.